Source code for src.brains.base

from typing import TypedDict
from .. import vehicle as vehicle_module, camera as camera_module, distance_sensor as distance_sensor_module, led as led_module, switch as switch_module
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

[docs] class Config(TypedDict): sample_hz: int
[docs] class Brain: """The base Brain object, which all other Brains should inherit""" camera: camera_module.Camera vehicle: vehicle_module.Vehicle distance_sensors: list[distance_sensor_module.DistanceSensor] running: bool switches: list[switch_module.Switch] leds: list[led_module.LED] sample_hz: int loop_counter: int def __init__(self, config: Config, camera: camera_module.Camera, distance_sensors: list[distance_sensor_module.DistanceSensor], leds: list[led_module.LED], switches: list[switch_module.Switch], vehicle: vehicle_module.Vehicle, ): = camera self.distance_sensors = distance_sensors self.leds = leds self.switches = switches self.vehicle = vehicle self.running = True self.sample_hz = config['sample_hz'] self.loop_counter = 0
[docs] def logic(self): """Process sensor data, tell the vehicle how to drive""" pass
[docs] def run(self): """The main loop of the Brain class. While running, and the switch is one, gather data from sensors and perform brain logic""" try: while self.running: start_loop_time = time.time() self.logic() # ensure that the loop is running at the correct max frequency time.sleep(max(0, 1/self.sample_hz - (time.time() - start_loop_time))) self.loop_counter += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: GPIO.cleanup()