import py_starter as ps
import dir_ops as do
import database_connections
import database_connections.sql_support_functions as ssf
from parent_class import ParentClass
import os
default_query_filename = 'query.sql'
default_export_suffix = '_export'
default_export_extension = '.csv'
[docs]class Query( ParentClass ):
A Python class for SQL Queries
Query class is agnostic of engine
def __init__( self, string = '', query_path = '', export_path = '', engine = 'sqlite', query_Path = None, export_Path = None, conn_inst = None, **connection_module_params):
ParentClass.__init__( self )
### make sure there is at least something to make a query
if string == '' and query_path == '' and not do.Path.is_Path(query_Path):
print ('Not enough info to make a Query Class')
### query string takes priority over everything else
if string != '':
self.string = string
if not do.Path.is_Path( query_Path ):
if query_path != '':
self.query_Path = do.Path( os.path.abspath(query_path))
self.query_Path = do.Path ( database_connections._cwd_Dir.join( default_query_filename ))
self.query_Path = query_Path
### if no string is provided, read the contents of the .sql path
if not do.Path.is_Path( query_Path ):
self.query_Path = do.Path( os.path.abspath(query_path))
self.query_Path = query_Path
### if no export_Path is given, make your own
if not do.Path.is_Path( export_Path ):
if export_path != '':
self.export_Path = do.Path( os.path.abspath(export_path) )
self.export_Path = do.Path ( self.query_Path.ascend().join( self.query_Path.root + default_export_suffix + default_export_extension ) )
self.export_Path = export_Path
### Set the connection instance class
if conn_inst == None:
self.engine = engine
self.conn_inst = ssf.get_DatabaseConnection(connection_module = engine, **connection_module_params)
self.conn_inst = conn_inst
self.engine = conn_inst.type
[docs] def read_string_from_path( self ):
'''read the contents of the filepath'''
self.string = ps.read_text_file( self.query_Path.p )
[docs] def print_imp_atts( self, print_off = True ):
return self._print_imp_atts_helper( atts = ['string','query_Path','export_Path','engine'] )
[docs] def print_one_line_atts( self, print_off = True, leading_string = '\t' ):
return self._print_one_line_atts_helper( atts = ['type','query_Path','engine'], print_off = print_off, leading_string = leading_string )
[docs] def get_unique_query_Path( self ):
'''make sure the query Path is unique'''
parent_Dir = self.query_Path.ascend()
self.query_Path = parent_Dir.get_unique_Path( self.query_Path.filename )
[docs] def get_unique_export_Path( self ):
'''make sure the export Path is unique'''
parent_Dir = self.export_Path.ascend()
self.export_Path = parent_Dir.get_unique_Path( self.export_Path.filename )
[docs] def save( self ):
'''using the query string, export to query_Path'''
ps.write_text_file( self.query_Path.p, string = self.string )
[docs] def query( self, export = False, **kwargs ):
'''run the query using the module.query(), returns pandas DataFrame'''
print ('Executing Query: ' + self.string[: min(15, len(self.string)) ] + '...')
self.df = self.conn_inst.query( query_string = self.string, **kwargs )
if export:
return self.df
[docs] def execute( self ):
'''execute a command / statement '''
self.conn_inst.execute( self.string )
[docs] def export( self, **kwargs ):
'''export the df returned by the query to given export_Path'''
print ('Exporting DataFrame to Path')
if self.export_Path.ending.lower() == 'csv':
default_kwargs = {'index': False}
kwargs = ps.replace_default_kwargs( default_kwargs, **kwargs )
self.df.to_csv( self.export_Path.p, **kwargs )
elif self.export_Path.ending.lower() == 'parquet':
self.df.to_parquet( self.export_Path.p, **kwargs )
print ('No directions for exporting file with ending: ' + str(self.export_Path.ending))